Tammy’s Journey
My story begins with a decision I made in 2007 for a complete dental makeover. Having battled periodontal disease for some time, I consulted two dental surgeons. My choices were to a) restore my own teeth or b) remove 24 teeth and replace with a combination of four implants for upper denture, and porcelain bridge and crowns, for lower. I chose the latter. I would be asked later why I made that choice. The honest answer was, I had never liked my own teeth. I wanted to be beautiful and have a Hollywood smile. I wanted the quick fix and to be rid of the periodontal disease once and for all. Surgery to begin process was scheduled for January 16, 2008. Little did I know I was consenting to a major surgery for permanent placement of metals and materials that would prove to be toxic to my body. None of the information or instructions given, before or after, could have prepared me for what would happen to my health over the next six years.
Eighteen months later, with a second procedure of bone grafting to stabilize front two implants, and endless visits to prosthodontist, the makeover was complete but I was not smiling or happy…I was sick. From early on I never seemed to recover from the surgery. I suffered from fatigue. I began to lose weight. My nails began to deteriorate and I started losing my hair. Rashes and itching, cramps in feet & legs, kidney infections, sore throat and swollen glands were common. After numerous doctor visits the only diagnosis was anemia and vitamin D deficiency (treated with medication). They repeatedly stated I was a “picture of health”. There were no disease processes found, no alcohol or tobacco use and no history of diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity. In spite of all this I continued to develop new symptoms. My quality of life was diminishing.
We looked at my environment, testing well water for toxins and home for radon gas. I began to look for answers in natural health. I began seeing a chiropractor for spinal adjustments. I saw a naturopathic doctor who did MSA testing (which indicated chemical and metal activity). I began a nutrition regimen of juicing, supplements, exercise, physical therapy, lymph massage and rest. My body would respond but it was always temporary. It seemed as if my immune system was overwhelmed and my body could not heal. The question I would find myself asking again and again was “Could it be the implants?” I knew I was healthy before the surgery.
By 2013 my energy levels were depleted. I was having shortness of breath, severe digestive problems and numbness and painful swelling of face, neck, arm, hand and leg on left side. My memory and ability to concentrate was declining. I was experiencing high blood pressure due to continual pain and stress. By this time I had seen eleven doctors and the only answer I had was “unspecified autoimmune disease”. Medication was prescribed with no improvement. (The one symptom I could not bring myself to report to the doctors was the feeling of bugs crawling on the left side of head and eye. I was sure they would call me looney tunes!)
My faith in God, the loving support and prayers of my family and friends got me through this time as I was pretty much house bound. In spite of my physical condition I remained hopeful and we continued to look for answers. In late August I went for routine dental care and x-ray revealed what appeared to be infection in the left lower jawbone. Further evaluation, by a surgeon, was required. I decided that, before anything else would be done, I would educate myself and choose my own treatment. I requested all my records including x-rays and a list of the metals that had been used in my mouth.
On the days I was able to function, I was researching the effects of metals on the body, specifically the eight listed in my dental records. The information was overwhelming but seemed to make sense. I read about metal toxicity and discovered the Hal Huggins protocol for safe removal of metals from the mouth. I learned about the dangers of jawbone cavitation. After many hours of research and prayer, I felt that, despite the fear and financial burden, my only choice was to move forward with finding a holistic dentist, who practiced the Hal Huggins protocol, to remove the implants and other metals from my mouth.
Amazingly enough, Dr. Paul Gallo’s name came from a book that I’d had in my home for over a year. I called his office and reached Nanette who listened and answered questions for almost two hours. Still fearful, I decided to go and meet with Dr. Gallo. I sent my records and a consult was scheduled. We travelled from our home near Murfreesboro, TN to their office in Joliet, IL. I found Dr. Gallo and his staff to be professional and genuinely caring. He spent more than three hours with us, taking time to answer all of our questions. Although he made no promise as to what my individual results would be, he gave us his professional opinion and recommended that all metals and infection be removed. This would be an extensive oral revision, upper and lower.
We returned to Dr. Gallo’s office in January of 2014 for a week of surgery and intensive post-op care. While the surgery and recovery were hard, both emotionally and physically, I have never regretted my decision. The dedication and level of care I received from Dr. Gallo, Regina and his staff in the days following the surgery was incredible. I saw results almost immediately. My face felt like it belonged to me again. (The bugs were gone!) The numbness and swelling in my face and neck were gone. My mental energy returned. High blood pressure and shortness of breath were gone.
It has been more than a year since the surgery. While I still struggle with digestive issues and pain and swelling in my left leg, many of my other symptoms have disappeared or continue to improve. My massage therapist says I am her miracle patient! She immediately saw a difference in my countenance and said my whole body felt different! My hairdresser is amazed at the new hair growth! I am busy starting a new business and enjoying life again. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first grandchild. I believe wellness is a journey. We must heal mind, body and spirit.
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